Here are some answers to our most frequently aske questions
When is registration for the spring lacrosse season?
Registration for the spring season takes place online until January 17, 2022 for 3rd thru 8th Grade and for K-2nd Grade until the first clinic in early April. We begin promoting registration via local newspapers, signs around town, email, social media and this website in late fall. For 3rd-8th grade travel lacrosse we must order uniforms and submit rosters to the various leagues by January 24, and once we do that registration is closed.
*We keep K-2 clinic registration open until the clinic begins in early April.
Can I register online?
Yes, however, only programs that are currently active will be available. If all registrations are closed the registration system will let you know. If you are trying to register a player after registration has closed, please email northportlacrosseclub@gmail.com and someone will be in contact with you.
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My son or daughter has never played lacrosse before, should he or she play?
If your child is in 1st or 2nd grade then NLC is just the place. First and second graders get a Monday evening clinic designed specifically to teach him or her the game. Some 2nd graders my also opt to play travel lacrosse, but it's only recommended for the player with well developed lacrosse skills.
If your child is older, do not fret. It's never too late to start. It may take a little while to get up to speed, but what makes lacrosse so special is its ability to take those that have athletic ability and try hard and turn them into great players. Our coaches will work with new players and give them tips on how to improve their skills, but your child has to be committed. He or she will have to show up for all practices and games, and work hard on their own -- working on stick skills in particular.
Regardless of age, if your child is a beginner, you can utilize our Online Resources tab for instructional videos designed for you to assist your child with learning the basics like catching, throwing, scooping and cradling.
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I don't know much about the game, where can I find out more?
There are number of websites you can visit to learn or request info about the greatest game on two feet. We recommend USLacrosse - the governing body of men's and women's lacrosse. You can visit them at www.uslacrosse.org. You can also catch up on the latest lacrosse news at sites like insidelacrosse.com and laxpower.com.
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Can you tell me what equipment I need for my son or daughter?
Equipment can be purchased from Lacrosse Unlimited and other sporting goods stores.
BOYS - Grades K - 2
NLC provides provides helmet, gloves, armpads and shoulder pads for BOYS. Boys equipment requires a $180 deposit.
NLC does not provide cleats, mouthpiece, cup/athletic supporter or stick (crosse). You should not spend more than $50 -$80 on a stick. Molded cleats are highly recommended. No spikes.
BOYS - Grades 3 - 8
NLC does not provide equipment at this level. The following is a list of lacrosse equipment required and recommended for boys lacrosse, grades 3 through 8
The Lacrosse Stick is made of synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. The stick must be an overall length of 35 - 42 inches The head of the stick must be 6.5 - 10 inches wide, except a goalie's crosse which may be 10 - 12 inches wide. The pocket shall be deemed illegal if the top surface of a lacrosse ball, when placed in the head of the stick, is below the bottom edge of the side wall.
Helmet - equipped with face mask, chin pad and a cupped four point chin strap fastened to all four hookups, must be worn by all boy players.
Gloves - All players are required to wear protective gloves. The cutting or altering of gloves is prohibited.
Other Protective Equipment - All players must wear shoulder pads, arm pads and athletic supporters with protective cups. Rib pads are optional.
The Goalkeeper's Equipment: The goalkeeper is required to wear a throat protector and chest protector (provided by team).
Mouthpiece is mandatory.
Cleats with molded rubber bottom. No baseball spikes.
GIRLS - Grades K - 2
NLC does not provide equipment for the Girls Spring Season.
You should plan to purchase goggles (eye guards), a stick and a mouthpiece for the Girls Lacrosse Clinic. You should not spend more than $40 -$50 on a stick AND MAKE SURE YOU PURCHASE A GIRLS LACROSSE STICK. They are not the same as boys sticks. Molded cleats are highly recommended.
GIRLS - Grades 3 - 8
Sticks, mouthpieces and goggles (eye guards) are required for NLC Girls Lacrosse. Here is a list and description of Girls Lacrosse Equipment"
The Lacrosse Stick is made of synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. A girl's crosse must be an overall length of 35 1/2 - 43 1/4 inches. The head of the stick must be seven to nine inches wide. The pocket of the stick must be strung traditionally; no mesh is allowed. The top of the ball when dropped in the pocket must remain even with or above the side walls. The goalkeeper's stick may be 35 1/2 - 48 inches long. The head of the stick may be mesh and up to 12 inches wide.
Other Protective Equipment: Close-fitting gloves are optional. Eye guards are a Northport Lacrosse Club requirement at this age level.
The Goalkeeper's Equipment: The goalkeeper must wear a face mask and helmet with a mouth guard, throat protector and chest protector. The goalkeeper may wear padding on hands, arms, legs, shoulders and chest which does not excessively increase the size of
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When are the K-2nd grade clinics?
Both the Boys and Girls clinic will take place from 6:00-7:00 PM on Monday evenings at the Veterans Park. The clinics run from early April (depending on weather) to late May/ early June. The number of sessions depends on the weather and Northport Lacrosse Club make no guarantees as to the number of sessions; however, we do guarantee the kids will have a great time!
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How do I know if the clinic is cancelled?
We will email all cancellations. The latest we'll wait to cancel the clinic is 5:00PM; however a final decision could be made much earlier.
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When will the season begin?
Practices begin in March (depending on weather). Games start in late March or early April and end in early June. All games are mostly Sundays, but occasionally on Saturday. Practice times and days are determined by individual coach. Practice and game schedules will not be available until the spring. Game schedules will be posted on this site.
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Where and where are the games and practices?
Northport Lacrosse Club games and practices could take place at a number of venues including Vet's Field, Pulaski Rd. Elementary, East Northport Middle School and Northport High School. Please visit out Fields & Directions page for more info. Please consult with your coach for actual game locations..
Why don't you have lacrosse year round?
Northport Lacrosse Club is only active in the spring. We are not a year-round youth sport organization and believe fully that kids should play a different sport each season; however, we urge you to join Northport Lacrosse Club only if lacrosse is your #1 sport, if not your only sport in the spring. This applies primarily to 4th-8th grades and this is only a recommendation. Though most of us on the NLC Board of Directors thinks multiple sports in a season is a bad idea on many levels, we simply want to avoid situations that put coaches and fellow teammates in a bad position -- like not having enough kids to field a team or have a meaningful practice.
For Summer Lacrosse, the more skilled boys players may want to opt to tryout for a TeamTiger Summer Lacrosse team. Team Tiger was established as a separate organization with the goal of developing Northport lacrosse through affordable options for summer teams, lacrosse camps and other player development opportunities. . Girls tend to play Yellow Jackets.
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Will there be conflicts with other sports like baseball or soccer?
The clinics for 1st and 2nd graders are scheduled from 6:00-7:00 PM on Monday evenings at the Veterans Park so hopefully this will not interfere with other sports.
However, for 2nd graders that opt to play travel lacrosse and other sports, there will most likely be conflicts. If you're not ready to commit to lacrosse you may want to choose to participate only in the Monday clinic and wait until 3rd grade to commit to lacrosse.
In 3rd grade we hope to have more of a commitment, but understand kids are still trying to figure out what they like: however, there will most likely be conflicts if your son or daughter is playing other sports.
For 4th through 8th we urge you to join Northport Lacrosse Club only if lacrosse is your #1 sport, if not your only sport in the spring. This is only a recommendation, but missed practices and/or games will result in loss of playing time. It is understood that you may have to miss practices for a communion, sickness, etc. Though most of us on the NLC Board of Directors think multiple sports in a season is a bad idea on many levels, we simply want to avoid situations that put coaches and fellow teammates in a bad position -- like not having enough kids to field a team or have a meaningful practice.
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Do I need to purchase a uniform?
All registration fees include a custom, sublimated reversible jersey. Travel lacrosse players (3rd-8th grade) will also have the opportunity to purchase a pair of sublimated shorts. This reversible jersey is required for practice and games.
Also note: each year the Northport Lacrosse Club picks a new charity to promote via custom socks. The socks are an additional $15 and all proceeds go directly to the "charity of the year." Purchasing these socks is optional.
Do you have any policy for concussion protocol?
Yes, please click here for link to Town of Huntington Concussion Management Protocol
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